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Logging in / Your Password
As soon as you have completed your order for an exhibitor pass, the system will create a user account for you and log you in. You can go right to your profile editing page from the For Exhibitors menu at this point.
If you want to come back to the website again to edit your details, you will need to log in (again, from the For Exhibitors menu) using the email address that you entered in the checkout as your username.
But what is your password?
Shortly after your account was created, you will receive an email titled “Your Oxford Indie Boof Fair account has been created!” if you don’t see this then check your spam folders.
There’s a link in this email to click on which takes you to a page where you can set up your password.
Once you’ve done that, you can log in as normal.
What if you forget or lose your password?
No problem! There’s a little link “Lost your password?” at the bottom of the login page. Click on there and on the next page just enter your email address. We’ll send you an email with a link to click on to reset your password.
Here’s how it works:
First, go to the login page for exhiitors. Click on My Profile / Login

Click on the “lost your password link

Then enter the email address you used when you booked your ticket.

If you make a mistake, it’ll tell you that the email or username doesn’t exist. When you’ve given it your correct email address, it’ll let you know and then it’ll send you an email.

Open up the email and then click on the link in the email.

Now you can enter a new password. One that’s secure and one you’ll remember. You might want to use three random words, or a short phrase. Click the little ‘eye’ icon to show what you’re typing rather than just stars. Enter it twice to make sure you’ve got it right.

You can now log in using your email address and new password.