Almost there!


We were hoping to be releasing the first batch of exhibitor passes today, and have already had a number of emails from excited Indies asking for the link to book their table.

If you're new to the newsletter, then a WARM welcome. You can catch up on the previous newsletters by clicking here:
Last time, we announced, with photos, the glorious location that we're going to be occupying.

We still have a few details to iron out with regards to the floor plan for the event as well as some finalisations and testing of the bespoke booking system that Andy has been coding into the small hours each evening and weekends for the last two weeks (that's almost 3000 lines of code and counting!)

The new look website is starting to take shape and when it's online it will be a litlte easier for us to edit and keep up to date.


North School_Catering_Exhibition_3  

In order that we don't fumble the launch, we're going to beg your forgiveness and ask everyone to hang tight for another week so that we can get everything as perfect as we can mange given our limited resources.
In the meantime, we can offer up a few tasty morsels of information.

Firstly, a few frequently asked questions.

Q: Can you send me a link to book my table?

A: Yes. We'll email you with a direct link to the booking page just as soon as we're sure it's ready. The booking page will only be visible to you, the subscribers for the first few days, so you get the first opportunity to book.

Q: How much will a table cost?

A: See below. The two sizes of table will be £40 and £45. Payment by card or PayPal via the website.

Q: Can I sell my books at the Book Fair?

A: ABSOLUTELY! This is a perfect platform for you to sell directly to readers that are interested in YOUR books, talk with them, get feedback, sell them a SIGNED copy to treasure.


Now for something new...

We're trying to provide the best opportunity for as many of you to show your work at the book fair as possible. That's why we've DOUBLED the capacity and moved to a location that we can double again next year if we need to.
With that, we're introducing TWO sizes of table. These are comprised of a series of examination tables pushed together to make different configurations. The "regular" sized pitch (3x tables) are 4.5ft wide and are just right for most exhibitors to sell their books from. We'll have 36 of these. Those will occupy the central area of the two arms of the hall.

The "large" size, comprising of 4x tables is 6ft wide and more suited to those that might have a larger catalogue of books or wares to display. We'll have 32 of these round the outside making a total of 68 pitches.
Below, you can see the most recent iteration of the floor plan to give you an idea of the scale of things. The yellow patches are the seating spaces for the presentations - 50 seats. You will be able to chose exactly which table you want to book, so those that enjoy the hubbub and excitement of the presentations can be nearer, while those that like it quieter can distance themselves.

The diagram below that shows the area to the top, by the stairs which will be the reading and quiet networking area (the water coolers are there too!)


So, as you can see things are progressing apace and it's looking like it'll be a fantastic event. Just, please bear with us while we get all our ducks in a row!

Andy, Sylvia, James, Shona, Ray and Felicity