Before you jump in, take a moment to read the instructions at the bottom of the booking page - there's even a video to show you how the process works.
The prices of the passes are: £55 for the large tables and £45 for the regular ones.
The process is VERY simple; just select the table you want, add to basket, go to the checkout, fill in your detials and pay. You can use your debit or credit card to pay, or PayPal if you wish.
At this stage, we're releasing the first 50% of the spaces. But don't worry, we've DOUBLED the size of the event again this year to a total of 144 tables! Selling the tickets in stages helps people who are not so hot off the mark with their emails. So it's really important that you keep up to date with our mailshots if you are or are planning to be an exhibitor.
On Friday 11th October, the remainder of the passes will be released for all to book.
We're using our bespoke booking system which checks REALTIME whether someone else has booked the table that you're trying to select, so if the table turns GREY when you click on it that means someone's snapped it up already. You'll notice a second or two delay between clicking a table and the ADD TO CART button lighting up, that's the check taking place. Please be patient and wait for the orange button.
Once you've booked your table, you'll be automatically logged into your newly created exhibitor account, so why not start filling in your exhibitor profile which will appear on the website. There's instructions and a video on that too in the help pages. If you want to use your existing account and exhibitor profile from last time, then use the same email address as before when booking your pass.
Everything you'll need as an exhibitor can be found under the "For Exhibitors" menu at the top of the website, PLEASE take some time to read this if you have any questions, you'll likely find the answer there or on the other help pages. We'll be adding more information there as we go along, so it's wise to check back from time to time.
We have some marketing materials and social media graphics to download on the exhibitor centre, so please do take advantage of those and start letting people know about the book fair NOW, and keep on plugging it.
We're ploughing even more money into advertising this year - we don't make a profit, so it's all for the event but we DO need your support as well to let people know about the fair and what you'll be showing.
Good luck and thanks for waiting!
Andy, Sylvia, James, Shona, Ray and Felicity.