Your chance to book an Exhibitor Pass
Hi The sale of the first half of the exhibitor passes last week was a massive success and we sold out in record time. We always sell out incredibly quickly, and in this case the first booking came in only three minutes after we'd contacted people to say that sales were open.
Selling the tickets in stages helps people who are not so hot off the mark, though we DO make sure that we let subscribers and previous exhibitors know weeks in advance when we're opening ticket sales. So it's really important that you keep up to date with our mailshots if you are or are planning to be an exhibitor.
Because we're now down to the last tables, we know that it's going to be an absolute RIOT if we do another open booking round. It's also not quite so fair on those that can't be ready at the exact moment that sales open. We know we let you all know that we'd be kicking it off again today, so there are bound to be some that are hovering over their mouse like hawks! It's TRULY inspiring that people are so keen for the event.
So, what we're going to do is assign the last tables by LOTTERY. This gives everyone a fair chance to grab those last spaces.
Draws will take place on Wednesday 20 September, so you have plenty of time to register - and please note that you DO need to register interest for a chance to buy.
So, here's how it works...
- Write back to this email address to confirm that you want to be included in the draw.
- Entry closes at 23:59 on Tuesday 19 September 2023. Any registrations received AFTER that time, or which are incomplete will not count.
- Include your THREE choices of preferred table number (see the exhibitor directory page). You won't be guaranteed any of those tables if you're successful but we'll do our best to ensure that as many people get a table of their choice as possible.
- Wait for the email...
- We'll write directly to you to confirm if you have been selected and the table number you have been assigned on the evening of Wednesday 20 September. (We'll also drop a note to everyone else just to let them know that the draw has been completed).
- We'll give you a payment link to compelte your purchase if you're selected.
- Any tables not claimed and paid for within one week will be given to the next random selection.
- Our decision is final.
Remember, you need to reply to this email to register for the draw.
Even though we've doubled the space this year, we know that we won't be able to include EVERYONE who wants to exhibit and we're so sorry that there will inevitably be some that are going to be disappointed. That's why we're aiming to double the capacity AGAIN next year.
Good luck, and even if you don't get to exhibit, remember that entry for visitors is FREE and we have a chill-out / reading area which you can still use to meet people if you want to do business at the book fair.
The Oxford Indie Book Fair Team